Emergency Roof Repairs Easton MD

Have an Emergency Roof Repair? – HELP!

Your frustration level has just escalated and you realize that an emergency repair is needed on your roof.

As an Easton Maryland roofing company, we complete numerous emergency roof repairs throughout Easton and the surrounding area. So we have gathered some info to help YOU out.

What constitutes Emergency Roof Repairs

An emergency roof repair can be defined as an urgent condition that requires a rapid response from a roofing contractor to immediately address a situation to either fix and/or secure a roof to prevent further damage. 

In other words – the situation cannot wait! 

While emergency roof repairs can be open to debate depending on your definition of what constitutes an emergency, here is a shortlist that requires a quick response:

  1. A tree or a tree limb may have fallen on your roof breaking through the shingles and/or its substrate exposing it to the elements
  2. High winds may have ripped off a large portion of the roofing structure such as shingles, tiles, metal roofing, or even your gutters, allowing water intrusion
  3. Sever hail may have broken multiple shingles and tiles creating gaps for water intrusion
  4. Accumulated frozen water or ice in the gutters can damage them which ultimately affects YOUR  roof and/or facia creating severe water intrusion

To SUM it up: any condition that has weakened YOUR roof and is exposing the interior of the home that mother nature and her elements would constitute an emergency.

Stormcloud over house needing emergency roof repair

What Should YOU Do For Emergency Roof Repairs?

It’s exceptionally hard, but try and remain calm and don’t panic as it only escalates the problem.

Try and get a good assessment of what is going on as the damage has already occurred or is possibly occurring.

  • First and foremost, in all cases play it SAFE!

Depending on the damage that has occurred, and in extreme cases, the substrate of the roof may not be sound such as when a tree has ripped through a roof. 

  • Secondly, protect the interior of the house the best you can without undue risk to yourself or others.

Cover the externally damaged area with an outdoor tarp and either nail it down or tie it down with ropes if convenient and you do not put yourself at risk in any way.

It may be difficult to accomplish in high wind situations or until the storm passes.

However, if you just have to put out a few bowls to catch drips, it should be addressed as soon as you can but it may not be an emergency and can wait a few days to get someone out after the storm passes.


So think of it this way: If the damage needs to be tarped, it is a good indication that you need Emergency Roof Repairs and requires an immediate appointment.

Typically, an emergency roof repair provides a short-term fix until a long-term solution to repair that damage can be made. We want to ensure that you are safe and minimize damage to your internal items.


So if you find yourself in this situation, give us a CALL so we can inspect your roof:


“We start with an inspection – not a sales pitch”

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